Iran Pakistan (IP) Gas Pipeline Project

The Project aims to bring natural gas from the South Paras Gas field in Iran.

Pipeline Capacity: 750 MMcfd ~ 1 Bcfd

Pipeline Dia: 42-Inch

Proposed Route: Iran Border – Shaheed Benazirabad

Pipeline Length: 781 KM

  • Gas Sales and purchase Agreement was signed between Iran and Pakistan on June 2009.
  • Operations Agreement signed between Iran and Pakistan on March 2010.
  • The Ministerial Oversight Committee (MOC) constituted by the Prime Minister to devise a way forward for the project, recommended to construct gas pipeline segment from Pak-Iran border to Gwadar (80 km of the pipeline).
  • Consequently, CCOE/Cabinet has granted approval for construction of the project.
  • Project development activities are in progress. 
  • Bankable Feasibility Study Completed.
  • Route Reconnaissance and Detailed Route Survey (DRS) has been carried out.
  • Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Completed.
  • Pipeline route approved by the authorities.
  • Transmission License issued by Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) for implementation of Project
  • Environmental NOCs were granted by Sindh & Baluchistan Environmental Protection Authorities.
